I wanted to get these taken because the weather had been so nice that week (we had horrible, ugly fog that belongs somewhere in the east coast or London or Seattle, not in Sunny nor-cal. no no.)and the grass was green and I met Tami and saw her blog and just was inspired. on a whim, I booked a few shoots (2 of which ended up being gifts).
A couple day's later Tami called and said she had some leftover pink balloons she has been dying to use in a shoot and wanted to know if I could lend her Ava for "15 minutes or so" for a quickie photoshoot. Free photoshoot with my adorable kid and pink balloons?! HELL YEAH!
We went to a funky spot in folsom which is weird because you would think its suburban and developed, but on the other side of the freeway there are pastures of very pissed off bulls (used in the rodeo) and abandoned railroad tracks. Perfect spot for photo's...perfect spot for crazy mama bear to suffer anxiety attack watching her toddler run around with balloons within sight of a bull. I know, the bulls were behind a fence, nonetheless it didn't keep me from thinking if I hear even the slightest hoof or huff from those animals we're outta here!
Ava is almost 18 months old...oh my God...AVA IS ALMOST 18MONTHS OLD!!!!!!
I can't even believe it!
She isn't exactly the easiest model to work with. She doesnt like tags, she thinks balloons are annoying and they get in her way and they always come back if you smack them. She finds camera lens's interesting and will stare at them expressionless while you are trying to take a picture, if she realizes you are trying to make her laugh she will call for you to come get her. she know's exactly whats going on and she will do whatever she can to control the situation.
apple doesnt fall too far from the tree.
ANYWAY, Tami was a good sport and let Ava run the show. You could say, she had her 15 minutes ;)
Ava is battling a cold right now, this was a gift from her grandmother or the sweet twin boys we watch in the morning's at our house. either way, I am taking full advantage of the long naps and extra cuddles.
signing off for now....