Thursday, April 7, 2011

Extended Breastfeeding

GOSH DANGIT i should NOT have to feel bad for breastfeeding my daughter!! WHO (World health Organization) recommends 2 years and BEYOND! American Academy of Pediatrics even recommends extended breastfeeding!"Increased duration of breastfeeding confers significant health and developmental benefits for the child and the mother, especially in delaying return of fertility (thereby promoting optimal intervals between births).196
There is no upper limit to the duration of breastfeeding and no evidence of psychologic or developmental harm from breastfeeding into the third year of life or longer.197 "

I am not going to be one of those mom's who acts like she does everything right and boasts at how perfect her kid me, i make mistakes and so does my kid. We are learning and growing together. I am so glad I was even able to breastfeed and have that experience. So many women want to and can't, and I know a lot of women who fed their children formula in bottles and that was great for them! We are in this together, we are all mom's trying to do right by our children, this should not be a taboo subject and it shouldn't be a war! What kind of an example are we setting for our kids if we are picking petty fights and bullying eachother because "she breastfeeds too long" or "she bottle feeds" or "dairy?!" "soy?!" "gluten?!" "meat?!"..


Motherhood is scary enough without the extra judgement and criticism.



  1. Couldn't agree more! I actually lost my supply this month, and started feeding Troy formula, and he's fine. In fact, it's less stressful for me to have to worry about pumping every hour (he had latch issues with nursing). I wanted to nurse him, but it just didn't work that way. I hate when other mom's judge or put their noses up cause I don't breastfeed. ugh!

  2. good for you karli, you do what is right for you and your child. bottom line. no questions or judgement. a mothers instinct and her decisions should be respected. Ava was forced to stop nursing when i hurt my neck and went on muscle relaxers. we had to stop cold turkey, which was rough. but in the long run, it was best for both of us! my body said 'enough is enough'. i am glad we got to nurse for 20 months and i am glad she is enjoying her sippy cup of cows milk these days. our choices are just that..CHOICES. and when it comes to whats right for our kids, there is no right or wrong. bravo karli.
