Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Push back

Theres this term called "push back" at Sprint (where chris works) when someone in another department thinks they are superior to another employee and challenges them on their policies and decisions. For example; if chris wont upgrade a customer on a new line because they arent eligible, some dude from another department (who would ultimately benefit from the upgrade) "pushes back" and says he can. At the end of the day Chris was right and he doesnt have to do the upgrade.
Lets just say parents of new parents are that "dude in the other department" contantly doing push backs.
Its getting annoying. thats an understatement.
I wouldnt call myself a neurotic mom. i wouldnt call myself and experienced mom. I would call myself, however, a well-read and careful mom. I have allll the information you could ever want on raising babies right at my fingertips. We have internet, blogs, chatrooms, moms clubs, advice nurses, books, is all basically spelled out for you. and if you are interested enough, you take advantage of all this information and you apply what you want to your childs life and to your own.
Well i dont appreciate the constant "when we were kids.." statements and i certainly do not appreciate it when people push back on my decisions and think they can override them.
It is amazing to me when grown ass adults undermine other parents authority on their own children. WHO'S THE CHILD HERE?
its beyond me.
i've juuuust about had it.

off to therapy i go!

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